Lamija Sejdić

Lamija Sejdić

Grade: 11

School: Srednja Zubotehnicka Skola

Teacher: Adela Subasic Kopic

City: Sarajevo

Topic: Ariel



Ariel je Uranov mjesec koji me najviše nadahnjuje i stimuliše za daljni rad i istraživanje. Najuzbudljivije mi je bilo je saznanje da Ariel ima najsjajniju površinu od pet najvećih Uranovih satelita, i da se taj sjaj dramatično povećava kada se nalazi u položaju opozicije, odnosno kada se posmatrač nalazi posredno između njega i Sunca. Zanimljiva činjenica je da Ariel uvijek okreće istu stranu prema Uranu dok kruži oko njega.

Ali, pored toga, moju pažnju privuklo je saznanje da postoji teza da je Ariel nekada davno bio u tečnom užarenom stanju, ali da je kasnije postao hladan. Iz dosadašnjih saznanja zaključujemo da je Ariel imao jaku tektonsku aktivnost u prošlosti. Znakovi novije geološke aktivnosti jednim dijelom mogu biti uzrokovani pojavom plime i oseke u podzemnom okeanu koji možda postoji ispod površine.


Moja očekivanja i nadanja nakon dolaska na ovaj mjesec u budućnosti su detaljna istraživanja koja će pokazati zašto i kako su pojedini krateri poluistopljeni, i da li je moguće da su današnji kanjoni formirani hlađenjem satelita? Smatram da će se moći realizirati turistička putovanja, koja će uključivati posjetu satelitu, ali fantastičan pogled i nesvakidašnji prizor Uranovog diska koji suverno vlada nebom svakog od njegovih satelita. Ariel se sastoji uglavnom od vodenog, amonijakovog i metanskog leda i silikatnih stijena,a znamo da su silikatne stijene jedna od najvećih skupina minerala koji najčešće čine silicij i kisik s dodacima kao što su aluminijum, magneziji, željezo i kalciji. Kroz daljnja rudarska istraživanja dobili bismo odgovore na brojna pitanja i pronalazak odgovarajućih zaliha nekih minerala.

Zanimljivo bilo bi uspostavljanje stalne baze za lakše istraživanje vanjskih oblasti Sunčevog sistema. To bi bio koristan projekat za buduće generacije i smatram da bi se time došlo do nekih novijih saznanja koja bi sigurno bila korisna kako za nauku, tako i za ostatak svijeta.

English translation:

Ariel is the moon of Uranus that inspires me the most and stimulates me for further work and research. The most exciting thing for me was the knowledge that Ariel has the brightest surface of the five largest Uranus satellites, and that that brightness increases dramatically when it is in the position of opposition, that is, when the observer is indirectly between it and the Sun. An interesting fact is that Ariel always turns the same side towards Uranus as she orbits it.
But, in addition to that, my attention was drawn to the knowledge that there is a thesis that Ariel used to be in a liquid glowing state a long time ago, but that it later became cold. From the findings so far, we conclude that Ariel had strong tectonic activity in the past. Signs of recent geological activity may in part be caused by the appearance of tides in the subterranean ocean that may exist below the surface.
My expectations and hopes after coming to this month in the future are detailed research that will show why and how individual craters are half-melted, and is it possible that today's canyons were formed by satellite cooling? I think that it will be possible to realize tourist trips, which will include a visit to the satellite, but a fantastic view and an unusual sight of the Uranus disk that sovereignly rules the sky of each of its satellites. Ariel consists mainly of water, ammonia and methane ice and silicate rocks, and we know that silicate rocks are one of the largest groups of minerals that most often make up silicon and oxygen with additives such as aluminum, magnesium, iron and calcium. Through further mining research we would get answers to a number of questions and find suitable reserves of some minerals.
It would be interesting to establish a permanent base for easier exploration of the outer regions of the solar system. It would be a useful project for future generations and I think that it would lead to some new knowledge that would certainly be useful for science as well as for the rest of the world.

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