Sarah Sertovic

Sarah Šertović

Topic: Oberon


Bio je sat književnosti kada se čitao William Shakespeare i "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

No ja odjednom nisam čula ni riječi šta je profesor govorio. Odjednom sam se našla u nekom nepoznatom svijetu. Osjetila sam kako izlazim iz rakete na tlo Uranovog mjeseca Oberona. Pogledala sam oko sebe i vidjela samo led i kamenje. Na sebi sam imala specijalno odijelo koje me štiti od hladnoće. Iza mene se nalazila raketa i moje specijalno vozilo Oberomobile. Otišla sam do njega, a zbog malog ubrzanja 0.332m/s2 sam se jako teško kretala. Sjela sam u svoj Oberomobile kada sam primijetila da je rezervoar za gorivo prazan. Mrzim kada se ovo desi! Nasula specijalno gorivo - oberonski led, sjela sam nazad i krenula. Otišla sam do svog omiljenog mjesta, kratera Hamleta čiji je diametar 206 km. Danas sam otišla na sami centar kratera kako bih istražila tamno tlo i vidjela neke čudne biljke. Prva koju sam ugledala je bio jedan ogroman cvijet, veličine Zemaljskog semafora. Stabljika mu je bila crvena sa zlatnim prugama, a cvijet je bio gotovo providan, u obliku prstenova sa zelenim rubovima. Odlučila sam da ću ga nazvati Rosa Uranium. Uzela sam mali uzorak cvijeta kako bih ga mogla ispitati kada se vratim u svoju raketu. Uzela sam još nekoliko uzoraka drugih biljaka poput Iris Gubusa i Aser Tana i otišla istražiti pećinu koja se nalazi u blizini.


„Buđenje! Ustaj!Hej!“ – čujem svoju prijateljicu kako me zove. Izgleda da sam zaspala i sanjala da se nalazim na Oberonu. Ustala sam da se spremim za sljedeći čas kad sam u ruci primijetila uzorak Rosa Uraniuma. Možda to ipak nije bio samo san?

English translation:

It was a literature lesson when William Shakespeare and "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
But suddenly I didn't hear a word of what the professor was saying. Suddenly I found myself in some unknown world. I felt myself coming out of the rocket to the ground of the Uranus moon Oberon. I looked around and saw only ice and rocks. I was wearing a special suit that protects me from the cold. Behind me was a rocket and my special Oberomobile vehicle. I went to it, and due to the small acceleration of 0.332m / s2 I had a very hard time moving. I got into my Oberomobile when I noticed that the fuel tank was empty. I hate when this happens! I poured special fuel - Oberon ice, I sat back and left. I went to my favorite place, Hamlet Crater whose diameter is 206 km. Today I went to the very center of the crater to explore the dark ground and see some strange plants. The first one I saw was one huge flower, the size of an Earth traffic light. Its stem was red with gold stripes, and the flower was almost transparent, in the shape of rings with green edges. I decided to call it Rosa Uranium. I took a small sample of the flower so I could examine it when I got back to my rocket. I took a few more samples of other plants like Iris Gubus and Aser Tan and went to explore a cave nearby.
"Waking up! Get up! Hey! "- I hear my friend calling me. I seem to have fallen asleep and dreamed of being on Oberon. I got up to get ready for the next hour when I noticed a sample of Rosa Uranium in my hand. Maybe it wasn't just a dream after all?

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