Timur Jukic

Timur Jukic

School: Srednja Zubotehnicka Skola

City: Sarajevo

Teacher: Adela Subasic Kopic

Topic: Titania


U budućnosti, možda baš na isti dan kad je otkrivena, 11.januara 1787, Titanija postane Uranov satelit na kojem su moguće turističke ekspedicije. Zamišljam posmatranje Urana iz kupole koja bi nosila ime engleskog astronoma Williama Herschela koji je otkrio Titaniju. On zauzima golem dio neba iznad ovog mjeseca. Ljudske ekspedicije malim vozilima, poput marsovih rovera, kreću se po cijeloj površini Titanije. Ne mogu ni zamisliti kakav bi bio veličanstveni pogled na doline i kanjone urezane na površini satelita. Kao da je kraljica vila, po kojoj je Titanija dobila ime, napustila korice Shakespearovog komada “San ljetne noći”, preletjela preko Titanije i po njenoj neutralno obvojenoj sivoj kori prosula slojeve čarobnog praha.Čarobni prah reflektuje svjetlost na strani dolina okrenutih prema Suncu. Kao da daje znakove života. Ali ko zna, možda je nekad postojao život, a možda ga ima i danas, ispod njenih kanjona i dolina, u podzemnom okeanu za koji astronomi pretpostavljaju da bi mogao postojati u unutrašnjosti Titanije. Treba napraviti posebne letjelice koje se mogu probiti kroz tanku koru Titanije i uroniti u prastari slani okean koji možda krije tajne vanzemaljskog života, maker na nivou bakterija i virusa.

Titania 312

Moja želja da saznam šta se sve krije na Titaniji, kao i u svemiru, iz dana u dan sve više raste kao što se i sama kora Titanije širi. Titanija je najmasivniji satelit Urana, ljudske ekspedicije bi u budućnosti mogle napraviti mali grad, sa laboratorijama, sa astronomskom opservatorijom za posmatranje dalekih predjela Sunčevog sistema odakle dolaze komete. Zamišljam sebe kako sjedim u zaštićenoj kabini dok moj teleskop traga za tajnama svemira. Titanija nema atmosferu pa je pogled na nebo koje je kristalno čisto mogućnost posmatranja kakve na Zemlji nemamo. Možda otkrijem kometu koja je prošla pored Urana i uputila se ka Suncu. I onda ja šaljem poruku prema Zemlji: “Kometa stiže”.

English translation:

In the future, perhaps on the very day it was discovered, January 11, 1787, Titania became Uranus' satellite on which tourist expeditions were possible. I imagine observing Uranus from a dome named after the English astronomer William Herschel who discovered Titania. It occupies a vast part of the sky above this moon. Human expeditions in small vehicles, such as Martian rovers, move across the entire surface of Titania. I can’t even imagine what a magnificent view it would be of the valleys and canyons carved into the surface of the satellite. It was as if the fairy queen, after whom Titania was named, left the cover of Shakespeare's play "Summer Night's Dream", flew over Titania and spilled layers of magic powder on its neutrally colored gray crust. As if giving signs of life. But who knows, maybe life once existed, and maybe it still exists today, beneath its canyons and valleys, in an underground ocean that astronomers speculate might exist in the interior of Titania. Special spacecraft need to be made that can break through the thin crust of Titania and dive into the ancient salty ocean that may be hiding the secrets of extraterrestrial life, a maker at the level of bacteria and viruses.

My desire to find out what is hidden on Titania, as well as in space, is growing day by day as the crust of Titania itself expands. Titania is the most massive satellite of Uranus, human expeditions could make a small town in the future, with laboratories, with an astronomical observatory to observe distant parts of the solar system where comets come from. I imagine myself sitting in a sheltered cabin while my telescope searches for the secrets of the universe. Titania has no atmosphere, so the view of the sky, which is crystal clear, is an opportunity to observe that we do not have on Earth. I may discover a comet that passed by Uranus and headed for the Sun. And then I send a message to Earth: "The comet is coming."

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