Nika Sadat Hosseini

Nika Sadat Hosseini

Grade: 8

Teacher: Ms. Mandana Sadat Hosseini

School: Valeh Educational And Cultural Institute

City: Tehran

Subject: Ariel

Features of Ariel
Ariel is the fourth-largest moon among the 27 known moons of Uranus. It is on the equatorial plate of Uranus almost perpendicular to the orbit of it and has a severe seasonal cycle.

  • Radius: 578.9 km
  • Orbital period: 60 hours
  • Surface area: 4211300 square kilometers
  • Orbit: Ariel has a regular orbit

Ariel is the second and closest of the five major moons of Uranus. One of the characteristics of this moon is that the moon's orbit is perpendicular to the equator of Uranus, which causes the seasons in Ariel, although the seasons of this moon are not very similar to the seasons of the earth. The average temperature is about minus 210 degrees centigrade/ Celsius. The surface reflectance coefficient for Ariel is 39. Like the other Uranus moons, it is made of 40 to 50 percent ice water, 20 percent methane, and the others are silicate rock.


Moreover, Ariel has also the youngest and brightest surface among the other moons of Uranus. It is thought that all of Uranus' large moons, including Ariel, are composed of approximately equal amounts of frozen water and silicate rock. Since silicate minerals are obtained from a combination of silicon, oxygen, and several metals, it can be said that water and oxygen exist as frozen in Ariel. Furthermore, Silicate minerals are also important minerals on the Earth planet and about 90% of the Earth's crust is composed of these minerals. It seems that in the past Ariel has warmed enough to make a difference, and due to Uranus' tidal interactions, it may provide an important source of heat.

According to the mentioned points, it can be realized that ariel has a lot of similarities with the earth planet and it can be a suitable place to live.

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