Alejandro Villa y Juan Pablo Montoya

Year: 2018-19

Alejandro Villa and Juan Pablo Montoya

School: Centro Educativo Paraísos de Color

Grade: 5-6

City: Medellín

(Original essay)

Encelado: Llamando a Tierra, contesta, Encelado en línea.

Tierra: Encelado, ¡hasta que me contestas! Tengo varias preguntas, la primera es ¿por qué te pusieron Encelado?

E: Hace unos billones de años yo era un gigante hijo de Urano, broté de su sangre, cuando fui castrado por Cronos, fui descubierto por William Herschel, mi nombre lo propuso John Herschel y William Herschel lo aceptó son unas de tus células llamadas humanos.

T: Ummm… gracias por tu respuesta pero sírvete un café que esto va pa’ largo, mi segunda pregunta es ¿qué son esas rayas que tienes en tu exterior?

E: Esas son rayas de tigre por las cuales salen los géiseres, están compuestas de metano, etano, dióxido de carbono e hidrógeno

T: ¡Wow! ¡Son muchos componentes! Mi siguiente pregunta es ¿puede haber vida humana?

E: No porque faltan componentes que tú tienes, que yo no, como el fósforo y el azufre, y por otras simples razones: por mi temperatura que es de menos de 198 grados celsius y porque no hay abejas ni flores para la polinización.

T: ¡Oh! ¡Eres muy interesante! ¡En tí puede haber vida inteligente?

E: Sí porque una nave tuya (Cassini) se desprendió el 26 de abril de 2017 y tomó algunas pruebas de mi agua interna y las pruebas dicen que se encontraron moléculas más grandes y complejas basadas en el carbono y por eso hay muchas posibilidades de vida inteligente en mí

T: ¡Es increíble!

E: Perdón, es que se me acabó el café intergaláctico, no me tardo, voy por otro.

Tres minutos más tarde:

E: Jejeje, disculpa, perdón, más preguntas porfa.

T: Está bien, mi siguiente pregunta es ¿De qué está compuesto tu núcleo?

E: Mi núcleo está compuesto de roca y es caliente.

T: ¡Es asombroso! Mi sexta y penúltima pregunta es ¿Por qué tu agua interna no se ha congelado?

E: Porque la gravedad de Saturno hace que yo me expanda y me comprima y no se congele el agua.

T: Y mi última pregunta es ¿En qué anillo Saturno estás tú? Yo estoy en el anillo “E” de Saturno.

T: Gracias por los datos. Me voy yendo que quedé de tomarme un café con Marte. ¡Adiós!

E: ¡Adiós!, fue un placer conocerte.

T: Gracias lo mismo.

La conclusión es:

La tierra entrevistó a Encelado, ya que nosotros los humanos somos muy ociosos y queremos saber dónde hay vida, para cuando la Tierra se agote, para tener lugar donde vivir, estamos muy mal, ya que la tierra se agotará y será muy pronto, porque la contaminación sube más, en vez de bajar. El día de hoy soñé que estaba dañando el mundo pensando que la Tierra es basura hasta que la dañamos completamente. Fuimos a preguntarle a Encelado para poder vivir en él y nos rechazó porque no quería que lo lastimáramos como a la Tierra y en ese momento me desperté y empecé a dar ejemplo para cambiar el mundo.

(English translation)

Enceladus: Calling Earth, answer, Enceladus online. Earth: Enceladus, until you answer me! I have several questions, the first is, why did they put Enceladus? E: A few billion years ago I was a giant son of Uranus, I sprung from his blood, when I was castrated by Cronos, I was discovered by William Herschel, my name was proposed by John Herschel and William Herschel accepted it are one of your cells called humans .

Tierra (Earth): Ummm ... thanks for your answer but serve yourself a coffee that goes for long, my second question is what are those stripes that you have on your outside?

E: Those are tiger stripes through which the geysers come out, they are composed of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen

T: Wow! They are many components! My next question is can there be human life?

E: Not because there are missing components that you have, that I do not, like phosphorus and sulfur, and for other simple reasons: for my temperature that is less than 198 degrees Celsius and because there are no bees or flowers for pollination. To H! You are very interesting! In you there can be intelligent life?

E: Yes because a ship of yours (Cassini) came off on April 26, 2017 and took some tests of my internal water and the tests say that larger and more complex carbon-based molecules were found and that is why there are many possibilities of life in me.

T: It's amazing!

E: Sorry, is that I ran out of intergalactic coffee, I do not delay, I go for another. Three minutes later: E: Hehehe, sorry, sorry, more questions porfa.

T: Okay, my next question is, what is your core composed of?

E: My core is made of rock and it's hot.

T: It's amazing! My sixth and penultimate question is: Why has your inner water not frozen?

E: Not because there are missing components that you have, that I do not, like phosphorus and sulfur, and for other simple reasons: for my temperature that is less than 198 degrees Celsius and because there are no bees or flowers for pollination. To H! You are very interesting! In you there can be intelligent life?

E: Yes because a ship of yours (Cassini) came off on April 26, 2017 and took some tests of my internal water and the tests say that larger and more complex carbon-based molecules were found and that is why there are many possibilities of life smart in me
T: It's amazing! E: Sorry, is that I ran out of intergalactic coffee, I do not delay, I go for another. Three minutes later:
E: Hehehe, sorry, sorry, more questions please.
T: Okay, my next question is, what is your core composed of?
E: My core is made of rock and it's hot.
T: It's amazing! My sixth and penultimate question is: Why has your inner water not frozen?
E: Because the gravity of Saturn causes me to expand and compress me and the water does not freeze.
T: And my last question is in what ring Saturn are you? I am in the "E" ring of Saturn.
T: Thanks for the data. I'm leaving, I was left drinking coffee with Mars. Goodbye! E: Goodbye, it was a pleasure to meet you.
T: Thanks the same.
The conclusion is: The Earth interviewed Enceladus, since we humans are very idle and we want to know where there is life, for when the Earth runs out, to have place to live, we are very bad, because the land will be exhausted and it will be very soon, because pollution rises more, instead of going down.
Today I dreamed that I was damaging the world thinking that Earth is garbage until we completely damage it. We went to ask Enceladus to live in it and he rejected us because he did not want us to hurt him like the Earth and in that moment I woke up and started to set an example to change the world.

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